Box of chocolates arrived at my address yesterday. Well, not the real box of the chocolates, but this sweet lures are like a real candy to me. Japanese lure manufacturing company DUO produces wide range of plastic lures, for different fishing techniques and fish species. Mostly for salt water species like sea bass, but they are great for many fresh water species like asp, chub, perch or trout. They have some great bass crank bait, and I can't wait to try to get some on it. Take a look to DUO web site to see some of their products: http://www.duo-inc.co.jp/en/

So, what was in the box? 4 types of lures.
Wonderful top water Realis Pencil 110 that will be great for bass and pike surface action.
Small Sperhead Ryuki 50s is great for small stream light fishing techniques, very popular here in this region. Action can be seen on this video:

Grace Minnow Elena 70F looks like a perfect lure for Adriatic sea bass, but also for asp and many fresh water species.
The last, and the smallest, but maybe the sweetest is top water popper lure Pocopoco. What to say, bass or some salt water species at Adriatic will love it ;)
On this blog you can expect some DUO fishing reports in future!
Imam jedno pitanje. Jeste li ove varke naručili ili su vam ih oni poslali na test? :)
ovo su testni primjerci :)
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