Rivers, lakes and the Adriatic. Great fishing possibilities! Hot spots, fish species and different fishing techniques. Enjoy nature and release these beautiful creatures. On this blog you will find information about fishing here and details on numerous fishing spots in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia and other countries in this region.
Kayak fishing is more than regular fishing from the boat. It's like a way of life, enjoying the whole story about it. Ocean kayak will give you all you need, mobility and easy paddling vessel that are made even to start the fight with big game fish like tuna. We are really enjoying in each day we spent in kayak no matter do we caught some big fish. The main story from this day is not related to any special fish, but to the lost of one rod that failed from the kayak to the lake. Not happy end, cause we couldn't find it in 20 m depth. This is why you always need to tie rod with a kayak. Speaking about fish, we had 3 pike bites but no catch, and I had many small chub on dry fly. It looks like they have never seen dry fly in their life, so they swallow it on the surface so unadvisedly. That was great, because they are known as a careful fish, not always easy to be caught.
Ouccch, lost fishing rod?!! :O I do not want to imagine that. I think I would stop fishing for the whole life... it would be so bad. :-/
yes, of course not but it would be a really bad feeling...and I didn't mentioned the financial side. If the water would be less than 10meters deep maybe you would have had more chance to find and pull it out.
Ouccch, lost fishing rod?!! :O I do not want to imagine that. I think I would stop fishing for the whole life... it would be so bad. :-/
one rod less is not the reason to stop fishing ;) once, my rod also failed to the sea, but that time we succeed to pull it out :)
yes, of course not but it would be a really bad feeling...and I didn't mentioned the financial side.
If the water would be less than 10meters deep maybe you would have had more chance to find and pull it out.
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