Story and photo: Daniel Vignjevic - Dalien
We went fishing on a little river known for it`s aggressive perch. When started fishing perch didn`t bite at all, as if they were not there at all.
Our 10-12 cm lures that were usually productive didn`t produce any bites, so we gradually downsized our lures until we came to almost ultra light lures and just then started catching fish.
As it turned out, perch were in pre-spawn, and were quite selective about what will they eat. One of my top catching lures was 3-4 cm piece of a 10 cm LB worm grub in Xmas pattern rigged on a no. 6 jig hook with a 1-2 gr weight.
At first I tried the rear part that had a swirl tail, but that was too much action, so I went for the front part that had no action whatsoever.
It was just a piece of worm that I was drifting along the bottom. That appealed to perch as some kind of food being brought to them by the current, and it was enough for them to eat it! The dark pattern silhouette was quite visible in muddy water, and the softness of the plastic made them hold on to the lure. It turned out to be a great and fun day with 20-30 of these fish caught. We did catch a few bigger ones that had enormous bellies...
The ability to adapt is the most important virtue of an angler. When things don`t go as planned don`t be afraid to try something different and you will be successful. There are always fish to be caught!
Complete story you can read in new issue of Croatian fishing magazine "Praktični Ribolov"!
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