Happy angler Dino Lazarevic had one big mama today! One meter long pike took Idra metal weedless spoon "Miš", what is proven lure for pike, specially in heavy weeded condition. We are so happy to have this Ontario Catch & Release so close to our town. Each day some pike monster like this one is caught and released back. By the way today I saw a lot of pike 1 - 2 meters close to the bank. I was fly fishing and had 4 bites on streamer but I succeeded to catch only one. But the most interested is the time of this action. The most unproductive part of day, from 12:00 to 15:00! Imagine how good early morning and late evening is. It seems this is relay good time for you to come here, and have some pike fishing fun. You may have luck like Dino had to catch your personal best monster! Tight lines!
The Pike was the real deal... If there wasn't for Helti & Crni the drill would take much longer, and there would be no such beautiful photos. The 3rd photo is my favourite! Smile from me, smile from Big Pikes Mom - and all for you guys... Hvala HELTI, Hvala Crni!!
Upravo sam ti poslao fotke na mail pa si ovu trecu lijepo mozes uramiti za uspomenu :)
Hvala... bogami i ide na zid... sljedeći takav ulov držim zahaklani u vodi, telefoniram i čekam tebe da dođeš sa onim topom od fotića... :) THX MAN!
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