Duo Spearhead Ryuki is almost mandatory trout lure in boxes of Croatian spin anglers, especially those who are competitors in Croatian Spinning League.
This lure with its large range of colors is great for the most of the
predatory fish, and perfect for rainbow and brown trout. Some colors
attract trout better than other depending on the clarity of the water,
and this pink is proven choice. Here is a nice wild brown trout caught by my
friend Ivan and Ryuki size is 50 mm. This was a tough day for
fishing because river water was clear like a gin. Trout were very
cautious, and even much larger trout can be caught on this part of the
river, this one is pretty nice for this conditions.
Rivers, lakes and the Adriatic. Great fishing possibilities! Hot spots, fish species and different fishing techniques. Enjoy nature and release these beautiful creatures.
On this blog you will find information about fishing here and details on numerous fishing spots in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia and other countries in this region.
Come here for a holidays and bring your fishing rod! Tight lines! We support Catch & Release approach!
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Sunday, May 19, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Gacka video clip
Never enough of Gacka river! This time we are sharing a nice fly fishing video clip, made by good friend Aleksandar Puskadija and his GoPro HERO3 camera ... enjoy :)
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
“Dalien`s day” video blog - episode 1
Dalien has decided to start a video blog using movies he's making with his action camera.
More details you can find on his blog.
... and here is "The Episode 1"
More details you can find on his blog.
... and here is "The Episode 1"
Monday, May 13, 2013
Signs of a good season at Gacka river
Judging by the first few months of fishing, this will be a great season on the Gacka river. There are plenty of fish, the average size 35-40 cm, but daily you can have a few old big trout over 50 cm. In our two days of weekend fishing, Peki and I caught a lot of fish, mainly on some variations of dark colored jigs and streamers, some with nymphs, and one beautiful 50 cm long rainbow trout took my dry fly. There was a plenty of brown trout. The biggest we got is 45 cm long, and the largest fish of our weekend 55 cm long rainbow just slipped out of my hands and swam in the river, before taking a photo. I can not wait warmer period of the year, which is the most productive on the river because of the intense swarming flies. We stayed in nice and sweet apartments Brajan, 200 meters away from the top fishing position, mouth of the river Kostelka. From there you can walk to all the best places on the river. White and black horse in front of the apartments are only addition to the atmosphere of nature you can enjoy here. So if you need accommodation, we can warmly recommend you this one. Booking number +38598501074
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This was my first fishing with new Scierra A.n.t #6 rod, and it perfectly suits to all conditions on Gacka river. |
Friday, May 3, 2013
Japanske upredenice Gosen od sada i u Hrvatskoj
Japanska kvaliteta izrade posebno se cijeni u ribolovnom svijetu, bilo da se radi o proizvodnji rola i štapova, voblera, ili pak ribolovnih struna i upredenica. Ovoga puta riječ je o vrhunskim upredenicama za ribolov na slatkim vodama i na moru. Gosen je vodeći proizvođač upredenica sa više od 60 godina iskustva u proizvodnji i od ove godine se zahvaljujući tvrtki Olivari d.o.o. može nabaviti i u Hrvatskoj.
Gosen W serija PE upredenica posjeduje optimalnu ravnotežu mekoće, osjetljivosti i snage te odgovara različitim stilovima riblova. Dostupna je u 150 i 300 metarskim pakiranjima u zelenoj te mulitikolor varijanti. Dok je zelena varijanta odličan izbor za ribolov smuđeva, bolena, basseva, štuka i somova, multikolor varijanta ima posebnu namjenu kod morskih ribolovnih tehnika poput bulentina i vertical jigginga. Naravno za ove ekstremne morske discipline poželjno je koristiti najjače špage sa japanskim oznakama 4,5 i 6 ili nosivostima 45lb, 55lb i 65 lb (promjeri 0,342mm, 0,382mm i 0,418mm). 5 različitih boja smijenjuju se redom od zelene, žute, crvene, narančaste do plave i svaka boja je duljine 10 metara, pa na taj način možete lakše kontrolirati dubinu u kojoj držite mamac. Dodatno je na svakih 1 metar postavljena bijela oznaka širine 10-ak cm radi veće preciznosti. Mulitikolor varijanta ima svoje prednosti i kod slatkovodnog ribolova, posebno u tehnikama jiganja, ribolova neotežaninim silikoncima tipa "slug-go" ili kod ribolova štuka u "stani-kreni" načinu namatanja strune. U svim tim varijantama važno je gledati strunu jer često nemamo dodir sa mamcem. Po kretanju uočljive multikolor upredenice jednostavnije je registrirati griz.
Gosen W je prva linija upredenica za izvoz izvan Japana i ne sumnjamo da naići na dobar odziv kod ribolovaca u Hrvatskoj i ostatku svijeta kojima su proizvodi i tehnologija tvrtke Gosen do sada bili nepoznati. Usput da spomenemo da je Gosen poznat po proizvodnji sintetičkih struna za badmintonske i teniske rekete i u tome je u samom svjetskom vrhu.
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Epic fishing experience during the COVID lockdown on Socotra
Well, Robi (Robert Pljuščec) is at first good fishing buddy, than excellent photographer and now a brilliant film maker. Stuck on the isl...