Rivers, lakes and the Adriatic. Great fishing possibilities! Hot spots, fish species and different fishing techniques. Enjoy nature and release these beautiful creatures. On this blog you will find information about fishing here and details on numerous fishing spots in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia and other countries in this region.
Crni and I survive kayaking adventure in the bay of Bakar. Rainfall started exactly when we entered I our kayaks, followed by the strong wind. Not nice conditions for kayak fishing but we succeed to catch one gilt poll and few sea bream... at the evening we were cold and wet, so we continue to fish from the cost. Next morning the weather was nice, and we had few more gilt poll from the coast, and that's it... Not big fish, but due to weather conditions and fact that this is the closest sea point from our town Zagreb, it's not so bad.
Da nastavim sa predstavljanjem mladih ribolovaca čije vrijeme tek dolazi. Ovoga puta riječ je o Nikoli Špoljaru. U svom prvom izlasku na rijeku Savu nizvodno od Zagreba Nikola je ulovio dvije krasne mrene. Pohvale idu i na račun dobrog vodića No Name-a koji se kako kaže također osjeća mladim i ide u kategoriju onih čije vrijeme tek dolazi :) Dečki su lovili 5 cm Orkinim silikoncima na teškim glavama u brzaku uz samu obalu. Nikola je nova snaga na našoj ribolovnoj sceni, ove godine se natjecao u bass ligi i s obzirom na volju i želju za učenjem ne sumnjam da ga u budućnosti očekuju dobri rezultati i mnoge ribe ulovljene na varalicu ili mušicu.