Rivers, lakes and the Adriatic. Great fishing possibilities! Hot spots, fish species and different fishing techniques. Enjoy nature and release these beautiful creatures.
On this blog you will find information about fishing here and details on numerous fishing spots in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia and other countries in this region.

Come here for a holidays and bring your fishing rod! Tight lines! We support Catch & Release approach!
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... © All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Štuke iz rijeke Kupe

98 cm, 9 kg Nikolin trenutni rekord

Nikola Lacković uspješan je u varaličarenju štuka na terenima rijeke Kupe u blizini grada Ozlja. Tim dijelom rijeke Kupe u duljini od kojih 50-ak km toka gospodari ŠRD Ozalj, a Nikola je ujedno i član tog društva.

"Najveće ulovljene ribe bile su dugačke 96 cm (uhvaćena na Strike pro Buster jerk) i 98 cm (uhvaćena na P21 Awarunu 4,5"). Ova od 98 cm za sada je moj osobni rekord, a prosjek duljine ulovljenih štuka kreće se oko 80 cm. To su sve debele i zdrave ribe, a  još uvijek ganjam 100+ cm štuku" - rekao je Nikola za ovaj blog. Još je dodao da jerkove i jerk voblere (DUO, Megabass) koristi u toplijem djelu godine, a u kasnu jesen i zimu prelazi na slikonce.

Čestitke Nikoli na svim dosadašnjim ulovima, uz želju da što prije sruši granicu od metra.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Glavatice, mladice ili sulci rijeke Kupe, u novom broju PR

Rijeka Kupa kod Broda na Kupi izuzetna je destinacija za zimski ribolov glavatice, čija populacija je prilično brojna i solidna. Kako je Luka Šimunjak ostvario svoj prvi kupski ulov, pročitajte u novom broju časopisa Praktični Ribolov, koji se upravo pojavio na kioscima Tiska i u ribolovnim trgovinama.

O imenu glavatica ili mladica

Uobičajeno i službeno ime za ovu ribu u Hrvatskoj je mladica. Ipak, povijesni zapisi govore da je glavatica bio stoljetni naziv koji se koristio od vremena prvih rječnika i prvih knjiga koje su se bavile sistematizacijom riba. Uzet ću samo 2 primjera koji govore tome u prilog. Knjigu „Ribe“ svestrani prirodoslovac Mišo (Mijo) Kišpatić napisao je možda koju godinu ranije, no 1893. godine objavila ju je Matica Hrvatska i ona u sebi ne spominje naziv mladica. Naprotiv, na stranicama 248-250 piše o tome kako po Dunavu i njegovim pritokama živi glavatica, dunavski losos koji pred sjevernim lososom ima prednost, da u more nikad ne ide, nego cijelog života ostaje u našim rijekama. Knjiga je dostupna u elektroničkom obliku i svatko ju može potražiti i pročitati na Internetu. Drugi primjer koji imenu glavatica ide u prilog je SRD Glavatica iz Preloga, koje u svom službenom pečatu ima godinu osnivanja 1912. i od tada nije mijenjalo naziv. Dakle na Dravi su se do izgradnje brana često, a u novije vrijeme jako rijetko lovile glavatice, isto kao u Savi kod Zagreba. Već spomenuta knjiga Glavatice i lipljani koju je napisao Antun Mateš također je zanimljivo štivo i dokument svog vremena, pa ju vrijedi pročitati ako ste u mogućnosti. Svejedno, zvali ju mladicom ili glavaticom najbitniji je njen opstanak i zaštita. Izgradnjom HE Lešće vjerojatno je uništeno njeno jedino stanište u hrvatskoj rijeci Dobri (Kupu i Uni dijelimo sa susjedima), a jezerom koje je nastalo umjesto salmonida uglavnom plivaju šarani, linjaci, štuke i smuđevi. Bojim se i somovi uskoro. Nažalost, čini se da će u budućnosti biti sličnih slučajeva na nekim drugim salmonidnim rijekama koje su do sada uspjele zadržati svoj prirodni tijek.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Božićne akcije u zagrebačkim trgovinama ribolovnim priborom

Spinnka i Topfishing su među najboljim trgovinama ribolovnim priborom u Zagrebu, a i šire. Ekipe u obje trgovine uvijek su raspoložene za pomoć u odabiru varalica, štapova, rola i ostalog pribora. Kako je ovo vrijeme darivanja, pogledajte što si sve možete za ovaj Božić po povoljnim cijenama staviti pod jelku.
Ivan + Ivan = Spinnka

Topfishing - Šokre + baka Mraz

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Fly fishing season for trout in this region is finished few months ago. Hibernation period is much easier if we tie our flies, watch fishing media, read some books or magazines, and prepare our fly fishing accessories for the next season challenges. In expectation of new, here are some photos from the last season.

Of course this is Gacka river, and new season will start at 1st of March!

Friday, November 25, 2016

Chub and bugs

European chub is freshwater fish species from the Cyprinidae family, that both lives in rivers and in still waters. In rivers it can be found from the source to the mouth, even in the trout territory, but will always prefer quieter, calmer parts of the river flow. At these spots it can be noticed by the angler easily. All you need are polarized sunglasses and specially during sunny days you will see them slowly swimming near the surface of the river, often in society. Chub is omnivorous and feeds with different types of food of plant and animal origin. Therefore, is not picky as to the food. It will take different types of lures and flies, and special delicacy are insects that fall to the surface from the branches near the river bank. From these information you can conclude that Duo Shinmushi is a perfect lure for chub.

The most important rule while you are fishing, is not to be seen by the fish you would like to catch. You have to carefully and quietly move yourself near the bank of the river and throw your fly or lure to the spots where you see or expect chub. If you are not noticed by chub, it will take your lure without hesitation, but when first chub is caught, the rest from the company are gone. Than you have to move yourself to the next potential place, and to repeat all steps: stalking, be careful not to bee seen by the fish, throw your lure at the spot, catch the chub and again change the place. Surface fishing with Duo Lures Shinmushi is very funny and very similar to the dry fly fishing, that I enjoy the most.


Chub will sometimes take Shinmushi immediately after falling to the surface in standby “no moving” mode, but in the other hand will be attracted in moving mode with the specific, buzzing action Duo Shinmushi has, because of the wings and soft rubber legs. What to say at the end except that it is a different, good looking and efficient top water lure that will provide you a lot of fun, no matter do you catch bass, chub or any other type of fish predators.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Trailblazer Survival Kit

Well let's spread some words about one crowdfunding INDIEGOGO campaign that you as a nature and fishing lovers may be interested in.

Whether you are going camping, hiking or just want to be safe in emergency situation, now you can do it knowing that you have all the essential tools that will make your time spent in the wilds safe and comfortable. Trailblazer Survival Kit contains 40 different survival & protective tools & gadgets packed into a high quality waterproof backpack for your convenience. So...stay safe wherever your path may lead you... 

Trailblazer Survival Kit is your best friend in any kind of emergency situation...being stranded in the wild, lost in the forest or being a witness of a natural or man-made disaster (flood, earthquake, fire,...). In these situations you must rely only on your own skills and possessions you currently have with you. With Trailblazer Survival Kit, your odds of being safe and sound are much higher. You will have tools & gadgets that will help you stay warm, build shelter, find & hunt small animals & fish, purify water and protect yourself from the elements. Even a GPS tracker is a part of the package so your friends and loved ones can keep track of your whereabouts. This is a survival kit that any nature lover, hiker, camper or outdoorsman should have by his side. And, on top of it all, it is all packed in a high-quality waterproof backpack that you`ll know is always ready for whatever adventure lies in front of you.

How to get one?

It is simple, just become a backer of this project. Click on the perk that you want and wait for the Survival Kit to come to your adress (estimated in April  2017.). There are 2 editions of the Trailblazer Survival Kit. One is a basic version (Hiker Edition) with 20 most essential survival tools & gadgets and the other one is a full edition (Survivor Edition). You can compare the contents in the picture below.

Survival kit content photos you can see on project link:

Word from the Trailblazer Survival Kit designer

My name is Damir Zupanovic and I am a passionate angler and nature lover. During my fishing trips I often have to conquer uninhabited and sometimes harsh environment, especially during the winter fishing season. You can never predict what can happen in the wilds, and, after a few "incidents" I decided to make my weekend fishing trips safer and the idea of Trailblazer Survival Kit was born. It is funny how we sometimes don`t think about our own safety until one day we find ourselves in a life-threatening situation! After the research and after getting advice from survival experts, the contents of the survival kit was completed. I also want to make this kit available to everyone because I cannot emphasize enough the importance of being safe, warm, with shelter over your head and with food & water supply when you are stranded deep, alone in the unknown territory, with only your personal belongings, skills and luck by your side. Trailblazer Survival Kit turns the odds in your favor in these situations and really becomes your best friend in emergency situations. It is also a kit you can keep and store in your home, knowing you`ll be ready if any disaster strikes.

If you like this campaign please like it, donate and share with your friends...

Epic fishing experience during the COVID lockdown on Socotra

  Well, Robi (Robert Pljuščec) is at first good fishing buddy, than excellent photographer and now a brilliant film maker. Stuck on the isl...