Rivers, lakes and the Adriatic. Great fishing possibilities! Hot spots, fish species and different fishing techniques. Enjoy nature and release these beautiful creatures.
On this blog you will find information about fishing here and details on numerous fishing spots in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia and other countries in this region.

Come here for a holidays and bring your fishing rod! Tight lines! We support Catch & Release approach!
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Thursday, August 30, 2012

DUO is celebrating 5000 fans on Facebook with new contest

DUO has recently reached 5000 fans on Facebook and to celebrate that nice numbers they are running a small contest on FB. The rules are very simple – all one need to do is become a DUO fan, share the image from DUO fan page and leave a comment. The contest shall run until next week`s Tuesday.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A big catfish story

Story and photos: Igor Vukelić - Vuk

Here is a story (on Croatian) about  Igor's biggest catfish. The catch is made from canoe on river Sava, and fish is released back to the water. By the way Igor produces lures that has made countless catch. There are few photos of his handwork at the end of the post.


Igor Vukelić nam donosi kratku priču o svom najvećem ulovu ...
U sumrak smo počeli loviti na zavoju rijeke Save usidreni iznad 4-5 metara dubine. Lijevo uz obalu je bila plaža sa povratnim tokom, voda je lagano „kuhala“ a čisto pješčano dno je postupno padalo u dubinu prema nama. Nije bilo rezultata pa dižem sidro i lovimo u pokretu. U jednom trenutku moj prijatelj Grga zateže, ali nije siguran ima li ribu jer bez otpora privlači težinu prema sebi a i kanu klizi nizvodno. Baš kada je prokomentirao da bi to mogla biti i trava ili plastična vrećica shvaćamo da ima ribu i to veliku! Prvo je krenula metar dva desno a zatim strelovito lijevo prema obali. Svinuti štap se gotovo izravnao prema površini vode, kočnica je zujala ali dva kratka, oštra udarca su bila prejaka za pribor koji je koristio. Udarivši repom po špagi som je nestao u dubini sa Stormovim Wigglewartom. 
Bacio sam odmah sidro jer smo očito na dobrom mjestu. Umjesto silikona koji sam bacao stavljem vobler te u prvom zabačaju kada je vobler ponirao prema dnu imam udarac, a riba ponovno juriša prema nama, u struju. Za tren se stvorila ispod čamca i počela nas okretati u silovitim drilovima. Dao sam Grgi štap kako bih digao sidro i u tom trenu som kreće uzvodno svom silom. Koja snaga! Veličanstveno! Zbog sigurnosti smo odlučili završiti borbu sa obale. Njena blizina mi je ulijevala samopouzdanje i snagu jer me ruka počela boljeti a i bojao sam se hoće li udice izdržati. Od svog pribora, baš na tom vobleru jedna trokuka nije bila baš dobra, dok je druga bila za morski ribolov, primjerenija velikom somu. Tada je som legnuo na kameno dno i točno sam osjetio kako špaga zapinje za kamen. Spustio sam vrh štapa prema vodi dajući mu prostora sa se sam oslobodi što je i napravio. Još nekoliko minuta je prošlo prije nego smo ga prvi puta vidjeli na površini. Jako izmoren, nije se otimao kada ga je Grga prihvatio rukavicom i izdigao iz vode. Slavlje je moglo početi! Najveća riba koju sam ulovio i to na onu jaču trokuku jeftinog kineskog voblera kojeg sam rastavio i montirao novi kljun, otežanje i žicu. Veličanstveno!

Igor sam izdrađuje voblere na koje lovi ribe, ovo su tek neki od njegovih modela.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Lures Factory

We present a brand that produces remarkable top water lures. Through years of experiences, Lures Factory has evolved itself as one of pioneer and respected company in producing life-like fishing lures and accessories. Lures Factory life-like top water lures are based on the rock-solid design and handwork production, and are one of the most beautiful lures with a great "fish like it" action. Especially frog designs are astonished.

MegaFrox lures are inspired and designed based on the actual frog and salamander species in the wild. Each lure is 100% handcrafted and painted by skilled artists, so there are no identical lures. Solid construction, body with internal rattling with strong stainless steel thorough-wire, equipped with extremely sharp hook and weed guard makes every single lure a perfect fish catching tool.

MegaFrox Salamander is 9 cm long lure, weighed 14,5 g based on the actual salamander species found in the wild. It has walk from side to side top water action, and it comes with 3 colors.You can retrieve slowly or faster with jerk action or twitch it with pauses.

 There are several types of MegaFrox Frogs lures, and all looks great. You should see it on the website that is still under construction at http://www.luresfactory.com/ .They are very versatile lures, with the constant retrieve and occasionally pause action they produce disturbance on the top of the water surface, and combined with internal rattling feature make vibrations and noise that are irresistible to every active fish. This should be great lure for top water bass and pike fishing. With the weed guard this frogs are suitable for fishing in the heavy weeded surface area.Recommended actions are: steady retrieve, steady retrieves with pause, steady retrieve with jerk / pop, twitch with pause, fast retrieve with twitch.
You can join Lure Factory Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/luresfactoryInt
 Also you can see some of videos on their YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/luresfactorybynss

MegaFrox - Prodigy Buzzbait is 11 cm long, 27 grams heavy buzzbait, perfect tool for long casting and for many fish species. It produces very fine and loud clanking sound  when retrieved at a constant or high speed, and leaves bubble trail behind it.  I prefer to catch pike with buzzbait, and not always on the surface. I let it go bellow the surface, and than start to retrieve and make pauses. In this pause, buzzbait collapse through the water and make flash that can be trigger for pike ;) After pause start to retrieve again, sometimes with a change of the speed. All this tips can trigger a pike to byte the lure.

Prodigy Buzzbait is equiped with premium extra strong single hook, aluminum propeller, stainless steel ball bearing, 3D eye and high quality silicone skirts. It come in 13 different colors.

In future you can expect more posts about Lures Factory products here, with some test reviews from our waters. Also info "how  and where to buy these lures" will be published.Till then you can contact company directly on the Facebook, and for retail and wholesale esquires you can email to sales@luresfactory.com.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Monster pike long 107 cm caught two times in 3 days

This is a story about one monster pike 107 cm long, caught 2 times in 3 days. First time by friend Zlatko Ranogajec 3 days ago (on a big Monarch Dok Jerk lure). Yesterday I had luck to fight the monster fish again. This time pike took Duo Realis Jerkbait 120 SP in a gold color. The rest of equipment: rod - Okuma Dead Eye Walley 7'6", 6-12 lbs, line -  Power Pro 20lb, and Shimano Aero 3000 reel. Duo Realis Jerkbait 120SP is a great lure for pike. I like to lead it with a lot of twitch and pause action. The big momma inhaled it deeply just in a pause time. After few seconds I  knew that I had a big pike on the end of my line, and now my personal best pike record  is improved for 2 cm. By the way there is a photo of one smaller pike caught by Igor. All fish are still swimming in the lake, so we hope to see em again with some more centimeters ;) Thanks to Zlatko for the information that pike are active these days, and to Igor for photos with a monster fish ;)

Zlatko Ranogajec got it first time
Same fish, two days later
Duo Realis Jerkbait 120SP
Igor and one smaller from that day

Epic fishing experience during the COVID lockdown on Socotra

  Well, Robi (Robert Pljuščec) is at first good fishing buddy, than excellent photographer and now a brilliant film maker. Stuck on the isl...