Rivers, lakes and the Adriatic. Great fishing possibilities! Hot spots, fish species and different fishing techniques. Enjoy nature and release these beautiful creatures.
On this blog you will find information about fishing here and details on numerous fishing spots in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia and other countries in this region.
Come here for a holidays and bring your fishing rod! Tight lines! We support Catch & Release approach!
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Friday, April 30, 2010
A friendly company at Trakošćan lake
A beautiful day, fishing with my dear friends Robi and Crni at Trakošćan lake.
We caught some bass, pike and roach on our rods. It was relaxing and I was really enjoying in fly fishing even I was unlucky to catch some carp. And I saw a lot of them, but all were disinterested for my flies. Fly fishing for "non trout" fish can be frustrating sometimes, but every fish caught on fly rod is somehow worthwhile for me, regardless what species is on the fly rod. Last year I was lucky to nick following species on fly rod at this lake: carp, roach, bream, bass, small cat fish - all difficult and frustrating to catch, except roach that is always interested for dry fly. Bass is know for holding a soft stick baits in mouth for seconds, but with streamer or nymph you have only a second to recognize the byte and to tight the line. But this is a charm of this beautiful fishing discipline. At the end I was really glad to fish with Crni adn Robi yesterday. Due to business duties we didn't have many occasions in last period.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Lake Drnić in Podravina
Drnić Lake is one of the first Catch and release lakes in Podravina region. It has about 3ha and is surrounded by forest which reflects on the water surface all the time.This combined with the greenish clear water and weedy bottom gives the lake unnatural beauty. The second you take a glance at the lake you will forget all unwanted thoughts and get the deep feeling of relaxation. The lake is home to many trophy pikes up to 10 kgs and the biggest carp is 20 kg. There is also a good bass population. There is a fishing cabin, a big grill and sand volleyball field on the shore so it ideal place for the whole family...more info on the lake at http://www.zsrk-djurdjevac.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Belmarin - Quintus fisherman boat made in Croatia
Ako ste ljubitelj brodova i ribolova na moru, obratite pažnju na Belmarin Quintus 5 metarski fisherman koji proizvodi tvrtka Belmarin brodovi d.o.o.
Riječ je o pravoj jurilici koja će vas brzo i sigurno dovesti do najboljih pozicija za ribolov, a svojom opremom omogućiti će vam potpuni užitak u ribolovu. Uostalom provjerite više na http://www.belmarin.hr/index.html i pročitajte recenzije koje su o njemu objavljene u časopisima More, Pesca in mare, Burza nautike i Otvoreno more.
Tu je i filmič koji prezentira njegova maritimna svojstva, a kako je riječ o brodu domaće proizvodnje, ali vrhunske kvalitete kojem je prvenstvena namjena ribolov, zadovoljstvo mi je objaviti ga na ovome blogu.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Croatian rivers on film
Inaće nisam imao prilike vidjeti knjigu o Ušću Mure, no ona je nedavno izišla i bila je promocija pa koga zanima neka je pokuša nabaviti. Pogledajte link.
Lake Ontario from the beginning of the season
Here are some pike photos from the beginning of this season. Generally a lot of pike were caught, although most fish were not close to the bank. We had best results on silicone lures on jig heads, at the distance of 10-30m from the bank. I tried a few times to catch some pike on the fly, but I was lucky only few times. A few sunny days are needed to warm the water, and fish will come close to the bank. Then fly fishing for pike and carp will be my top fishing activity. Many fishermen are fishing on this lake and on lake Duga in this period. Catch statistics show that at least 3 pike were bigger than 90cm, and a lot were over 80cm. Probably several hundred pike were around 55cm, and this is far better that anyone had expected. And the best part of the season is in front of us. Tight lines!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Seaside postcards
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Filmovi o športskom ribolovu V.S.P. +++ Fishing movies V.S.P.
Video produkcija ribolovnih filmova u svijetu je u velikom porastu. Dostupnost digitane tehnologije omogućila je ribičima da rade više ili manje kvalitetne video filmove ili klipove, danas po pristupačnoj cijeni čak i u HD kvaliteti. Jedan od pionira produkcije ribolovnih filmova kod nas, a vjerojatno jedini, produktivni i konstantni video izdavač je Igor Pavičić, osnivač studija za video, dizajn i produkciju V.S.P., koji je do sada objavio čak 21 film na području RH i 4 na području EU.
Igor je dobro znan u ribičkim krugovima kao izvrstan „all round“ ribič, koji podjednako dobro lovi sve vrste riba i barata svim ribolovnim tehnikama, pa kao natjecatelj postiže sjaje rezultate. Krenimo od najnovijeg uspjeha, pobjede na netom završenom natjecanju u varaličarenju Predator Savagear kupu održanom na zagrebačkom Ontariju, pa nabrojivši osvajanje Storm kupa 2003., Spin kupa Šoderica- Ješkovo 2008., Carp kupa Ješkovo 2008., Carp kupa Jošava 2000., a možda največi rezultat je osvajanje brončane medalje na 2. Svjetskom prvenstvu u ribolovu šarana, koje je samo predhodilo sjajnim kasnijim rezultatima Hrvatske šaranaške reprenzentacije. Zajedno sa ŠRU Piškor upravo je i osnivač Hrvatske reprenzentacije u ribolovu šarana, a nakon uspjeha na Svjetskom prvenstvu i Hrvatske šaranaške lige, koja se u kontinuitetu uspješno održava od 2001. godine. Osim toga Igor je dugogodišnji suradnik raznih ribolovnih časopisa - Športskog ribolova, Ribiča&Riba, slovenskog Vode i Mi...
Više informacija o samim filmovima i o narudžbi možete saznati od Igora na 098-436499
Igor Pavičić is the owner of the studio for video production V.S.P. and has been making fishing movies for years. More than 20 movies are filmed on best Croatian waters like lakes Rakitje, Šumbar, Borovik, Jošava or rivers like Danube. He excels in all fishing techniques, and is one of the best Croatian fishing competitors. Formerly of Croatian Carp Team, that has had excellent results in World Carp Championship, he came third on 2nd World Carp Championship and is a winner of many Croatian fishing competitions. Also, he is a freelance journalist, a good photographer and all this is a good recommendation to watch these movies. You will see good fishing positions, carp fishing techniques and tactics, spinning fishing techniques and lots more. On this blog some of movies will be reviewed in future.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Video: Prologicov maneken u akciji :) +++ Dalien in action
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Predstavljamo "Ribolov iz brodice" priručnik za ribolov Jadranom +++ "Fishing from the boat" - handbook for fishing the Adriatic
No vratimo se na knjigu koju s guštom listam kad me ulovi sjeta za morem, brancinima, oradama i svim slanim ribicama koje se love na udicu. Ribolov iz brodice je zanimljiv i poučan priručnik za sve koji vole svoj pribor namakati u slanoj vodi, a ako posjeduju i kakav kaić onda im je to gotovo nezaobilazna literatura u kojoj će naći sve potrebne detalje kojima će unaprijediti svoju ribolovnu tehniku i doći do vrijednih trofeja. Ovo ribičko krstarenje kreće izborom brodova za sportski ribolov, brodske elektronike, opreme za sidrenje, štapova i rola za ribolov, ribolovnih struna, udica i ostalog pribora, pa do presjeka osnovnih ribolovnih tehnika, vezanja potrebnih čvorova i predveza, pregleda osnovnih mamaca, pa do najpoželjnijih ulova prilikom ribolova iz brodice za svaku tehniku posebno. Kako ribolov iz brodice dijelimo na onaj stacionarni, te na ribolov panulom ili big game, tako su sve tehnike opisane u zasebnim poglavljima. Za svaku pohvalu je i dodatak koji je napisao talijanski stručnjak za sve popularniji vertical jigging Simone Bini. Uglavnom riječ je o lagano čitljivom, nadasve zanimljivom i poučnom priručniku koji jako lijepo izgleda, a osim korisnih tekstova ima i pregršt kvatitetnih fotografija sa morskim trofejima i ilustracija koje pojednostavljuju male tajne morskih vukova. Ono što će sigurno razveseliti strane državljane koji vole ljetovati i loviti ribe na Jadranu je skoro objavljivanje ove knjige i na nekim od svjetskih jezika.
Knjigu možete naručiti preko neta na sljedećoj adresi:
This book is useful handbook for those who would like to fish from a boat in the Adriatic. Author, Mladen Marković is a famous fishing journalist, editor of the Croatian sea fishing magazine "Fishing in the Adriatic", our version of "Pesca in Mare" magazine. He was also the editor of the former magazine "Udica" (Hook), and a collaborator of magazine "Sportski ribolov".
In this book you will find all the necessary tips for all boat fishing techniques. Unfortunately for those who don't understand Croatian, you will have to wait for the English or other language versions of this book. So, if you are planning to have sea fishing vacation on the Adriatic this book is must have :)
Book order or any other information you can get on this link:
Monday, April 5, 2010
Predator Savagear kup u potpunosti uspio! / Complete success of Predator Savagear spinning cup
Is there a need to say anything more than this was the tournament with the largest number of pike being caught in Croatia`s history? About 50 competitors caught over 170 pike averaging about 1.5kg. There were also a few bigger over 4kg caught. The largest 6.3kg was caught by a young, but proven competitor Mario Čenan. Top two places were taken by two of Croatia`s most experienced tournament anglers Igor Pavičić and Zlatko Godec, while Zvonimir Županić came third catching pike exclusively on Savage gear in line spinners. Igor took the top honors by catching almost all of his 12 pike on Savage gear Cannibal shad 10 cm in Orange fluo. The fact most enjoyable for the sponsors and organizers was that most fish were taken on Savage gear lures. The trump card that saved the day for our friend Željko Vedrenjak was a white 11,5 cm Prey. He caught 5 pike on it in the second part of competition. Dalien on the other hand caught two big ones over 4 kg which paired with two smaller ones was enough for the unlucky 4th place. His biggest was also caught on a white Savage gear 115 Prey using stop and go retrieve. Everything was perfect except for the boring and constant rain, which soaked the ground to the point that the whole venue was completely muddy. Although we literally rolled in mud and were wet to the bone, no one complained. Perfect stew after the game was a balm for chilled fishing souls, so the winner presentation ceremony was held with all the smiling faces - a major bonus for organizers Predator fishing store and sponsors T.P. Olivari. A big plus also goes for the hosts of this tournament Sport Fishing Club "Piškor" which brought the Blato lakes(Croatian translation - Mud, since today it is clear why) to the level of Croatia`s best pike lakes. Bravo!
Predator Savagear cup report on official Prologic Savagear page:
Epic fishing experience during the COVID lockdown on Socotra
Well, Robi (Robert Pljuščec) is at first good fishing buddy, than excellent photographer and now a brilliant film maker. Stuck on the isl...