Rivers, lakes and the Adriatic. Great fishing possibilities! Hot spots, fish species and different fishing techniques. Enjoy nature and release these beautiful creatures.
On this blog you will find information about fishing here and details on numerous fishing spots in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Slovenia and other countries in this region.

Come here for a holidays and bring your fishing rod! Tight lines! We support Catch & Release approach!
........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... © All rights reserved.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Plomin fishing port in Istria

It is strange that this is the first real post about fishing in the Adriatic Sea. My good friend Marko told me about this blog today - if there were more about sea fishing I would hang there all the time. So, I found some photos in my archive that are appropriate for this time of year, because Plomin harbour is one of the best choices for winter sea fishing in the northern part of the Adriatic. At Plomin there is a power plant and a small stream that is much warmer than the sea. The whole bay is a habitat of many fish species, like sea bass, amber jack, grey mullet or sea bream. In winter time you can catch squid too, but for squid you should have a boat. Without a boat, you can have good results while fishing in the stream which is full of all kinds of fish during Winter. In short, this is a great place for all kinds of lures and baits, regardless of what fishing techniques you like.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vitunjčica home of big trout

Miroslav Vodopija
predstavlja ovu riječicu kao odličnu destinaciju za početak nove mušičarske sezone...

Vitunjčica je riječica koja izvire podno istočnog ruba Velike Kapele u selu Vitunj. Njezin razigran četiri kilometarski tok nadgledaju vještice sa Kleka, a obalom dominiraju livade, polja i šumarci koji oko sela Turkovići počinju pratiti Gornju Dobru u koju se Vitunjčica na kraju i ulijeva. Vitunjčica je dom potočne i kalifornijske pastrve te od prije nekoliko sezona i lipljana, koji se može pronaći na samom ušću Vitunja i Dobre. Lipljan je dosta dugo bio devastiran pa je stvarno pohvalno što se ta vrsta ponovo revitalizira zahvaljujući predanom ŠRD Ogulin na čelu sa predsjednikom Kostelićem. Ribolov na Vitunjčici je dozvoljen od 01.03. do 30.09. i to isključivo mušičarskim priborom po režimu ulovi i pusti. Sve umjetne muhe moraju biti bez ili sa stisnutom kontra kukom na udici , a ribolov na potezanku i imitaciju riblje ikre je statutom u potpunosti zabranjen. Sve informacije oko cijena ribolovnih dozvola i ribolovnog režima možete saznati na http://www.srd-ogulin.hr/


Gotovo svake godine je kod naše male ekipe prijatelja ribiča, Vitunjčica prvi izbor kada je u pitanju izbor vode za otvaranje mušićarske sezone. Prvenstveno jer je Vitunjčica voda mnogo raznovrsnosti te u isto vrijeme može toliko frustrirati kao i oduševljavati te nam podariti ribu života. Kroz zadnjih par sezona ova predivna riječica je postala i malo zahtjevnija za ribolov ali svatko tko unese malo razmišljanja u svoj ribolov oko same prezentacije mušice i prilaska k vodi može se uspješno naloviti. Najčešće korišten pribor koji je i ujedno najpogodniji bi bili štapovi dužine 8 ili 9ft, klase 4 ili 5 (idealna kombinacija 8' #5) koji će biti dovoljno podatni za kvalitetnu prezentaciju i dovoljno jaki ako će trebat zaustavit bijeg koje poveće ribe (a vjerujte tamo ih ima jaaaaako puno). Od muha koje se najčešće koriste na početku sezone preporučio bih nezaobilazno Zečje Uho, Ritz nimfu te razne varijante ''goldena'' dok ce prava poslastica biti mesnato navezan i olovnom žicom otežan gammarus. Kasnije u sezoni do izražaja dolaze nimfe vezane na manjim brojevima udica uz nezaobilazne suhe muhe imitacija jednodnevki. Svakako navežite nekoliko raznih nijansi jer su Vitunjske pastrve jako probirljiva nepca…

No jednom kada uspijete pogoditi pravu muhu i prezentaciju ne preostaje vam drugo nego samo čvrsto primiti štap u rukama i moliti dragog Boga da su vam svi čvorovi na konusnom čvrsti jer su Vitunjski gorostasi ponekad nemilosrdni.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Slovenian hucho hucho...

A few days ago an e-mail from my friend Tadej made me happy. He sent me a fishing report from the last huchen season. He is always fishing together with his father, and both are great hucho hucho hunters. If you need fishing guides for the Sava near Slovenian town of Radovljica, they are probably the best choice. This season they had 16 huchen, and lost at least 8 before they could be photographed. They didn't have any trophy fish, but each contact with this beautiful fish is a pleasure. Here are some photos of huchen in the 78-88cm range. Thank you Tadey, and I hope my work will allow me to visit you next season.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


While the rest of us are working, Dalien is fishing almost every day :)
New zander from the river Sava...

Monday, February 8, 2010

PREDATOR Savagear Spin kup - Jezero Ontario

Kao što se vidi na plakatu, dečki iz ribolovng dučana Predator organiziraju špinersko natjecanje na novoj hit vodi za štuke, jezeru Ontario u zagrebačkom Blatu. Kotizacija iznosi 35o kn, a najuspješniji natjecatelj će osvojiti primamljivih 4000 kn i atraktivan štap firme Savagear, koje rado koristimo za sve oblike varaličarenja. Ovo jezero je početkom godine dalo sjajne ulove kapitalnih štuka i tijekom natjecanja se može očekivati još i bolja situacija. Štukolov je zabranjen sve do otvorenja natjecanja (05.04.2010). Štuke bi se do tada trebale izmrijestiti i biti aktivne te bijesno napadati vaše varalice. U svakom slučaju zajamčen je odličan ribolov te ugodno ribičko druženje koje zajednički ograniziraju Predator uz pomoć sponzora tvrtke Olivari i domačina ŠRD Piškor.


A spinning cup will be held on 5th of April, at one of the best pike waters in Croatia, the lake Ontario in Zagreb. If you are nearby, you are more than welcome to participate and try to win the main price of 4000 kn (around 540 euro) + Savagear spinning rod.

Snowy zander on cannibal shad

Daniel Vignjević - aka Dalien

Yesterday I went vertical jigging...my new lowrance HDS 5 proved to be a good investment, it really locates the fish lying on the bottom....we located fish on a 5-7 meter deep strech with strong current and sunken timber and on the sharp drop off 15-8met in the nearby swirl. On the first drift I caught this fellow on caniball 10,5cm.. then my battery died unexpectedly and the story was pretty much over without a trolling motor ...we tried classic jigging but the snags were ruthless, and it was hard to key on the dropoff without the motor....

it ain`t much of a zander, but is sure a nice picture:)

At the beginning of the fishing, I had a bit of a problem with the outboard ignititon rope too, in the picture are my hands - after being washed!:)))

Monday, February 1, 2010

New cover page

New cover page of Sportski Ribolov magazine! Photo has been posted here in one of last few posts. My friend Dalien in front of my Canon 40D camera.

Epic fishing experience during the COVID lockdown on Socotra

  Well, Robi (Robert Pljuščec) is at first good fishing buddy, than excellent photographer and now a brilliant film maker. Stuck on the isl...